The Swedish School of WA

The Swedish School in Perth was founded in 2003 as a sub-division of the Swedish Club of WA, and is primarily aimed at children aged 4-18 who have Swedish as a living language in the home. We hold classes at Trinity College in East Perth on Saturday afternoons.

The Swedish School in Perth is approved by the Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket) and works according to the curriculum Lgr11 - Syllabus in Swedish for supplementary teaching for Swedish students abroad. The school is also approved by the Office of Multicultural Interest (OMI) as a Community Language School.

Since the school was started, the school has been run on a voluntary basis by parents through a board led by a chairman of the board. The school has teachers employed for the children's lessons plus, if necessary, a teacher's assistant and the lessons are generally held in a number of different groups where the students are divided according to age and prior knowledge.


The school's ordinary lesson times are as follows:

Lesson 1 - 2.30 PM
Break - 3.30 PM
Library - 3.45 PM
Lesson 2 - 4 PM
School Finish - 4.30 PM

Please arrive a few minutes before the start of the lesson so that the children have the opportunity to say hello to each other, choose a seat and get settled in the classroom before the lesson starts. Break is at the school's playground and it is good if the children bring something small to eat and a water bottle.

After the break, there is time for children and parents to look in the library together.

During the lessons, the groups of children are together with their teacher(s) in their respective classrooms. There is a Library room at the parents' and younger siblings disposal if the weather is such that an indoor environment is preferable the schoolyard.

Should you leave the school grounds and be unavailable during recess and library hours, please let your child's teacher know before the start of lessons.

NOTE! In the start of 2025 the Library will be closed due to renovations until further notice, the school board apologize for the inconvenience!

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Placeholder content for this accordion, which is intended to demonstrate the .accordion-flush class. This is the second item's accordion body. Let's imagine this being filled with some actual content.
Placeholder content for this accordion, which is intended to demonstrate the .accordion-flush class. This is the second item's accordion body. Let's imagine this being filled with some actual content.
Extended Lesson Information
Extended Lesson Information
Extended Lesson Information

Welcome to this year’s Battle of the Nations! 🇳🇴 🇩🇰 🇸🇪

This is a family-friendly event organized by the Swedish Club (SCWA), the Scandinavian Association (ScanClub) and the Swedish School in collaboration. All Scandinavians are welcome to participate and/or support their country’s men and women!

Arrive at 14.30 (2.30 pm) for a 15.00 (3 pm) start. Find us at the Point Walter Reserve up from Kiosk. We will have 6 or 7 games suitable for all ages and a quiz. BYO picnic, camping chairs and/or a picnic rug. Remember to bring some cash along for our popcorn and lolly sales!

Should the weather be unfavorable, the event will be canceled. If so, we will send out information by email to our members, as well as post on our social media channels on Instagram and Facebook.

Swedish Club (SCWA) | the Scandinavian Association (ScanClub) | the Swedish School

Saturday 23rd of March 14:30 - 16:30 | Point Walter Reserve Free of charge event - no sign-up required.

Extended Lesson Information
Extended Lesson Information

Register for year 2025!

The registration fee depends on how many kids are enrolled from the same household.
The fee is in Australian Dollars and covers the entire year of 4 terms.


Register your kid(s) now for the year 2025 by following the link to the form below.

School Board

Mikael Artursson, President

Håkan Wihlborg, Treasurer

The Swedish School of WA is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for all staff, students, and visitors. School leaders play a vital role in implementing and enforcing policies related to health and safety, as well as promoting student wellbeing. Please read more in our School Code.

Contact us:

Phone: 0455 545 060

2 Trinity Ave
East Perth WA 6004